How to Static Web ReactJs using Spaces Digitalocean

Ib Ez
3 min readAug 11, 2021

hi this moment i make tutorial again about How to Static Web ReactJs using Spaces Digitalocean.

here I made it with Spaces digitalocean with NGINX as proxy to Spaces.

The package that must be installed on Linux is:

1. Droplet using linux centos
3. latest aws-cli (since Spaces uses AWS S3) for upload result build to the Spaces with shell command or you can used s3cmd.

I assume you have all installed. let’s begin

after you finish install nginx you open


like this:

and then you create configure file in the path



after you finish created file above.

you can to create spaces, after you create it will be like this..


after you create it you have to create a new Key there you will get the key which is where this key is used in the aws cli


finished you get the key now you do is with the command

aws configure

as follows:

finish, you just have to build your reactjs then you just upload it and give permission to public all.

done, great. you have successfully created a static web in spaces digitalocean just you open on the browser with url.


you can take a look at this server from nginx proxypass to spaces


i make shell script for build and upload to spaces like this:

After that you just run:


so, aws-cli and s3cmd for delete and upload.

easy isn’t it. you can do in your droplet digitalocean

